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Home ยป Ray and Rita

Ray and Rita

Dear Mark,

Rita and I always appreciated your laid-back sales approach and your ability to react quickly to a customer’s concerns, not to mention your overall scope of knowledge regarding buying a home of whatever type in The Villages. Not only were you able to picture each owner’s desires for certain features of the home, but you also were quite competent in assessing what input you could provide to help the customer reach a sound decision. When we had more questions, you had answers, or if you didn’t, readily found someone who did.

Needless to say, Rita and I were happy customers of yours and consider you our friend. It will be quite awhile though, before we buy another home in the Villages. We haven’t moved into the home we have now!….2 more years before we get there. In the meantime however, anyone in Ohio that mentions they are thinking of buying a pre-owned home in the Villages or selling one for that matter, we will refer them to you.